Type the following search phrases in Google and hit “I’m Feeling Lucky” to experience the phenomenon.1 “Miserable failure” Returns the official White House biography of President George W. Bush.
2 “French military victories” Redirects to a mock-up of a Google error page asking, “Did you mean french military defeats? Your search — french military victories — did not match any documents. Make sure all words are spelled correctly.”
3 “Weapons of mass destruction” Leads to a fake Microsoft error page stating, “The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.” Further notations include: “If you are George Bush and typed the country’s name in the address bar, please make sure it is spelled correctly (IRAQ).” And: “Click the Bomb button if you are Donald Rumsfeld.” Doing so takes you to the Amazon.com.uk page for Doctor Strangelove.