This world-famous toy emporium is a treat for all visitors to New York City! Upon entering FAO Schwarz, you are greeted by the 3-story clock tower singing "Welcome to Our World of Toys." The adventure is about to begin! Frederick August Otto Schwarz opened his "Toy Bazaar" in NYC in 1870. His prosperous business finally brought him to 745 Fifth Avenue, across the street from this location where Bergdorf-Goodman Men's Shop is now located.

Since there's so much to see at FAO Schwarz, you might want to see "Spanky, the Gund Where Bear" and he'll tell you where everything is. The 1st floor features FAO's famous stuffed animals! This magnificent menagerie of life-like, yet cute and cuddly creatures ranges from mini-monkeys to a giant giraffe! |